Thursday, July 24, 2008

April Here

Alright, so I know I can do this. I have done it before. I lost 30lbs between baby #2 and #3. I guess the question is, do I want it bad enough to change how I eat and make it a long term change? YES! I DO! My goal it to lose 35 lbs by my next birthday, May 13Th.
I was chatting with Anita online, we met through a scrapbook web site, and I told her we should hold each other accountable for what we eat and how much we exercise. That was when she directed me to her new blog and I asked could I join. I have decided to give it my best shot. Along the way maybe we can let you know what works for us and what doesn't. I know we will need all the support we can get so any inspirational stories and/or encouragement is warmly welcomed.
Let's get this started!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Morning coffee and some thoughts...

Ok so I was thinking, HOW DUMB IS IT THAT I AM STARTING THIS when I am on my monthly? I mean geez, the cravings, they bloating, uhhhhg. Sorry just had to get that out. So I'm telling you that its not official until a couple days from now. I know, I'm weak but I just can't do it til then. LOL And I want to start walking BUT its so stinking hot I am gonna have to walk in the stinkin' dark! Oh well, just a few more days until my best friend will just be right around the corner and I can call her up to go walking ANYTIME. Ok enough of the gripe feast. Just had to get it out!! Sorry April, now you can post something nice and pleasant. Toodles til next time!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Can I really do this?

I seriously WANT to! Maybe with the support of others, it could happen! Not ready to post a picture yet so just gonna get a photo of my yucky weight like Bobbi did. Great idea girl! Ok I was weighing myself and trying to take the picture and trying to figure out why I showed I weighed more all of a sudden...hmmmmm....DUH my camera weighs like 3 plus pounds especially with my Tamron 28-75 on it! LOL Anyway, here goes!

Week 1